Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Essentials of MIG Housing According to Established Property Websites in India

According to numerous property websites in India, mid-Income Housing in India can only be successful if such properties are in favourable localities. According to such property websites, in the past, many projects targeted to middle-income households failed because such projects fell short of meeting certain essential criterion. This real estate website will delve into greater detail concerning what criterion are essential for success when building for middle-income households and the importance of the fulfilment of this criterion to middle-income households.
A Good Location
A middle-class family in India would like to enjoy all of the trappings of middle-class life. This includes being well connected with the rest of the city and having easy access to education and entertainment vistas. A middle-class home that is in a secluded region is unlikely to find favour with middle-class households since middle-class families usually comprise of at least one or two children and the parents of such children would like their children to attend school nearby, not across town.

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Most middle-class families in India have at least one parent who works and he or she would like to be able to commute to work and back with ease. Hence builders who have constructed properties in India which they intend to sell to middle-income buyers should ensure that the house is located in close vicinity to an employment hub. Technology parks are among the most sought after employment hubs for the middle class.
The saying all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy proves doubly correct for children. Entertainment vistas are crucial to enjoying a high standard of living and access to sports fields and malls is important to be physically fit and abreast with the latest trends.
The Price Should Be Right
According to most real estate sites in India, the pent-up demand for mid-income housing in India ensures that most supply will eventually be absorbed. The excess supply in this segment is measured in months, not years as most units are expected to be sold within a few months. However, the price of such property in India should make it attractive to middle-income buyers and such homes, in the end, should not be priced so as to make them appear to be daunting to MIG households. A lesson to learn is that the Mig market segment is driven nationally by end users, not investors.
A Brisk Completion Timeline

MIG properties in India should not have a very long term completion horizon, this has in the past wreaked havoc in the lives of middle-income households who at times have had to wait for years to occupy their new home while they have simultaneously paid rent to live in another home. According to this property website, timely delivery by builders makes such projects all the more attractive to MIG households.  

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